

Embark on an unforgettable study abroad experience at Griffith College in Dublin! Established in 1974 and located on the vibrant South Circular Road, Griffith College offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Irish culture, history, and society. As a study abroad student, you will have the chance to explore Dublin’s rich heritage and iconic sights, all while studying alongside a diverse cohort of international students. This enriching experience will not only enhance your academic knowledge but also broaden your global perspective.


Participation including crediting is possible for the following study programs and semesters.

Faculty of Economics & Media (Bachelor):

  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre B.A. (4th or 5th semester)
  • Immobilienwirtschaft B.A. (4th or 5th semester)
  • Medienmanagement und Digitales Marketing B.A. (4th or 5th semester)
  • Mobilitätswirtschaft B.Sc. (4th or 5th semester)
  • Musikmanagement B.A. (4th or 5th semester)
  • Risiko- und Sicherheitsmanagement B.Sc. (4th or 5th semester)
  • Sportmanagement B.A. (4th or 5th semester)
  • Wirtschaftspsychologie B.Sc. (4th semester)

Faculty of Economics & Media (Master):

  • IBS Master Cluster (3rd semester)

Faculty of Design (Bachelor):

  • Interior Design B.A. (4th semester)
  • Fashion Design B.A. (3rd semester)
  • Mode Design B.A. (3rd semester)

Information relevant for Bachelor students of the Faculty of Economics & Media only

  • Digital and Social Media Management

Winter semester: Beginning of February – end of May

Summer semester: Mid-September – end of January

  • Grade point average of at least 3.6 at Hochschule Fresenius
  • English proficiency at B2 level; language proficiency is assessed through the university’s internal English test, which will be held shortly after the application. Students enrolled in English-taught study programs and students who submit adequate certificates (official language certificate, which is not older than two years) are exempt from the test.

In the semester preceding the semester abroad by April 15 / October 15.

During your semester abroad, you will continue to pay your regular tuition fees at Hochschule Fresenius as you will still be enrolled.
On top of this, an additional payment is required to cover the tuition fees at the partner university, among other things. The payment is due after signing the supplementary contract and can be made as a one-time payment or in installments.

Please plan for additional expenses, such as flights, accommodation, insurance, and other costs of living.

Information on funding opportunities for a Study Abroad semester can be found here.


In the context of freedom of movement within the European Union, EU passport holders do not require a permit to study in Ireland.

Non-EU passport holders require a student visa. After admission to the program, the International Office will inform you about the process. Please check the validity of your passport in good time.

Program participants are responsible for booking their own flight.

All students are accommodated in the host university’s halls of residence.

  • The courses are pre-selected, ensuring that all academic achievements will be credited to your studies at HS Fresenius. Conversion of grades and credit transfer will be carried out automatically. After your return, you can continue your studies without delay.
  • The International Office handles most of the planning and organization and guides you step by step through the preparations
  • Support from and simplified procedures at the host university
  • Networking opportunities with former / current participants
  • Thanks to the semester times differing from those of Hochschule Fresenius, you have a longer time off between semesters. This extra time allows you to work, do an internship or travel.